Breaking Ground at Cedar Creek Farm!

We did it! We officially broke ground on Cedar Creek Farmhouse on July 22, 2020!
I still can’t believe it. There has been so much going on behind the scenes to get to this point, and even now it still feels surreal that it is actually happening!

We were a little excited to say the least. We celebrated with our very own confetti popper party : )

The boys thought the confetti was great!

Fletcher thought it was so great he tried to eat it 🙂

The process of getting to this point at times felt like it may never happen! Pre-construction is a slow (and at times frustrating) process. So much work goes on behind the scenes and there isn’t much to “show” for the work.
Seeing actual progress being made and dirt being moved was so exciting and really made everything start to feel real.

The silt fencing going up along the property line. The silt fencing prevents erosion and thank goodness we have it because it has rained here almost every afternoon!

The boys were excited to see yet another bulldozer on the property! They are getting a little spoiled with all the heavy machinery they get to watch! 😉 It’s a dream come true for these truck loving boys!
Now they also think that everything needs to be knocked down like they have seen happen out at the farm. We will see something and John Davis will say, “We need to knock that tree down!” Or, “Mommy, we need to knock that old house down!” Oh boy.

We drove out to the farm every evening after Hubby got off work to check on the progress.

Every day there were bigger and bigger piles of dirt and the boys of course thought it was great!

John Davis climbs to the top and says, “I’m the king of the world!”

Little brother gets frustrated when he can’t get to the top 🙂

And here’s where I overshare a bunch of pictures of dirt! Sorry, but this dirt is just so exciting to us!

Our grader started by excavating the basement.

And John Davis was there to supervise.

Afterwards we would go home and they would get their toy work trucks out and pretend to be “Clarence the Grader” 🙂

Fletcher is a real life dirt magnet!

See how his little pocket is bulging? I found out later that he had filled it up with dirt! 🙂

John Davis and Granddaddy were camped out watching the bucket trucks.

This power pole you see in the picture is being moved so the electric company had to come out and reroute all of the power lines.

A look at our front yard. I can’t wait to get that pole down so we can really see what it’s going to look like!
Hubby says he wants to keep the island and put a few lounge chairs up there! : )

We ended up moving a lot of dirt in order to make our front yard flat.

Moving all that dirt means that we have no grass left and now we have one giant mud pit!

But seeing how the front yard is shaping up, I think it’s going to be all worth it!

One evening we came out here to find the most beautiful rainbow right over the tree line. A welcomed reminder from The One who is in control.
fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10