DIY Dollar Store Valentine Heart Wreath
How to create an easy and inexpensive DIY Valentine Floral Heart Wreath using Dollar Tree supplies.
DIy Dollar store valentine heart wreath

After I took down my Christmas wreaths from my kitchen windows, I couldn’t help but notice that my kitchen felt empty and sad!

I had recently seen some pretty heart wreaths for Valentine’s Day, but I wasn’t about to spend that much money on a wreath that I would use for a couple of weeks!
I figured I could recreate a Valentine Heart Wreath myself and headed to my local Dollar Tree for supplies.

I just love the way these turned out and I love the festive yet soft and subtle touch of pink these add to our kitchen.
What you need to make a dollar tree valentine heart wreath

Here’s what you need to recreate your own Dollar Tree Valentine Heart Wreath:
- Dollar Tree Heart Wreath Form ($1.25)
- Floral Stems – I used 5 Hydrangea Floral Stems per Wreath (5 x $1.25 = $6.25)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Wire Cutters/Scissors
- Ribbon for Hanging

I found the Valentine Heart wreath forms in the floral section at the Dollar Tree.

Then I headed to the faux florals to pick out some flowers.
You could use any flower you wanted for this Valentine Heart Wreath! I chose the hydrangeas because they are my favorite flower and I thought the subtle, soft shade of pink was so pretty!
I used 5 floral stems per Valentine Heart Wreath.

Step by step tutorial: how to make your own diy dollar tree valentine heart wreath

First: Start by using wire cutters to cut the hydrangea flowers off the stems.

You can disregard the greenery left behind as you won’t need it for this project.

I tried a few different methods for attaching the hydrangeas to the heart wreath form, and this is by far what I found to be the easiest.
I applied hot glue directly to the wreath form, about a two inch section at a time.

Then I would stick the hydrangea floral right on top.
This gives you room to work with to adjust the flowers and the petals to look exactly the way you want.
Hot glue is so easy to work with: if you don’t like the way the flower looks once you have it set, it is very easy to pull the flower off and start over to reposition it.

Continue working your way around the wreath, making sure to evenly space your flowers as best as possible.
Don’t worry about trying to make it perfect!

Once you have gotten all the way around, you are done and your wreath is ready to hang!

I used small clear command hooks and some pretty pink satin ribbon to hang my wreaths above my kitchen windows.
These DIY Dollar Tree Valentine Heart Wreaths would also be so pretty to hang on mirrors and doors!

DIY DOllar tree valentine heart wreath

I love the way these pretty Valentine Heart Wreaths turned out and I don’t think anyone would ever guess that I made them for $7.50 each using only supplies from the Dollar Tree!

They add some festive fun to our kitchen and the shades of pink make me eager for Spring.

Even John Davis appreciates these. He told me, “Mommy, I love these so much!”

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10