Traditional Blue and White Classic Baby Boy Nursery

Today I’m sharing a look into the very sweetest room in our home: our traditional blue and white classic baby boy nursery.
I could sit in this serene blue room and stare at all of the precious, meaningful details all day long!
Filled with family heirlooms, vintage pieces, and passed-down keepsakes from Daddy and Granddaddy, this room is so special to me.

You may remember me sharing the nursery in our previous homes here and here.
While I didn’t want to change anything too major (I still love the nursery just as much as I did six years ago!), I decided to paint the nursery walls the softest shade of baby blue this time around.
The color is Benjamin Moore Fanfare and it is absolute baby blue nursery perfection!

Painting the nursery walls baby blue made this space look like a totally different room!

I also swapped out the curtains and added a new chandelier.
This gorgeous bunny rabbit chandelier is just so good! It probably deserves a blog post in and of itself, but for now I’m sharing more detailed pictures of it below.
It completely makes the space and is so fitting considering my love of vintage Peter Rabbit that was already on display throughout the nursery.

I also added a new area rug and I love the soft and subtle pattern.

The only things left to add to this sweet blue and white nursery?

A “third” of everything for baby brother #3!

Most notably a third Feltman Brothers Take me Home Gown and a third monogrammed baby blue bow swaddle.

Over on the open shelves I displayed all three Feltman Brothers bonnets. These precious heirlooms are just too special for me to put away!

Traditional Blue and White Nursery: bunny rabbit chandelier

Now, the infamous bunny rabbit chandelier!! Isn’t it gorgeous?!
I love it so much!

It didn’t always look this pretty though.
I came across a listing on Facebook Marketplace of a bunny chandelier listed for $10. It was bright pink and lime green, but all I saw was potential and I just had to have it.
You should have seen my husband’s face when I walked in holding a pink bunny chandelier for our baby boys’ nursery!

Mother helped me transform it by spray painting it white and covering the shades in the sweetest baby blue bunny fabric.
Traditional blue and white nursery: Framed shadowbox heirloom baby gowns and bow swaddles

Another one of my favorite things is the framed shadowboxes displaying all three babies Feltman Brothers heirloom coming home gowns.
You can see the full tutorial on how I framed them myself here.
Each of my three boys wore a Feltman Brothers gown home from the hospital and they are oh so special to me!

Adding a third heirloom gown up on this wall was such a pinch me moment!
How blessed am I that I get to be the mama to three sweet baby boys?! Believe it or not, somehow I always knew that I would be a boy mama : )

Mother made all three of their baby blue bow swaddles that they each wore for their newborn photos.

Too pretty and too special to tuck away somewhere, I hung each bow swaddle above the framed gowns and I couldn’t love it any more!

I love having these heirloom gowns framed front and center in the nursery.
Each time I look at them I am reminded of so many sweet memories: my newborn babies, just how tiny they were, how perfect they looked in their little gowns, and the joy and excitement of bringing them home from the hospital.

The large blue monogram on the canvas was an easy DIY project and you can find a detailed step by step tutorial HERE.
Traditional blue and white nursery: displaying keepsakes on open shelves

Moving along to the other side of the room you can see the same dresser I made over with paint six years ago, as well as the DIY open shelves that we built before John Davis was born.
I get asked about these shelves all the time! We made them long before I ever started sharing my projects on my blog, so unfortunately I do not have a tutorial for them. Here’s the cliff notes version: we built four boxes and then put decorative trim on the front! 🙂

Another pinch me moment!
Three gorgeous babies in their bow swaddles, three sweet baby bonnets that were worn home from the hospital, and three framed pictures of my babies in the hospital on the day they were born.
Even the little ceramic lamb is special. My late father-in-law sent it to our hospital room when John Davis was born, and it was filled with flowers, balloons and scripture.

The bonnet stands are made out of wood supplies from Hobby Lobby.

I had stumbled upon these three antique frames in a thrift store awhile back.
I didn’t have a place for them, but I loved them and their convex (curved!) glass. If you’ve ever seen antique curved glass then you know just how pretty it is!
They were originally gold but I spray painted them soft white to fit with the nursery.

Another tradition I carried on is the painted name blocks.

I took basic play blocks and painted them white, then used a small brush to paint the letters and the outline baby blue.

All of these personalized details are what makes this nursery so special.

Traditional blue and white nursery: blue gingham curtains

Another new addition to the blue and white nursery were these blue gingham curtains.
I loved the old curtains, but we only had two panels (and our new house needs four panels) and the length of the curtains weren’t correct for our new ceiling height.

I found these inexpensive light blue gingham curtains and the shade of blue just happened to match the crib bedding perfectly.
I still needed some additional length and I wanted to make them look a little more custom, so I cut strips from an extra curtain panel and sewed them on to create tie tabs at the top.
This easy detail added so much to the room and made the curtains look custom.

Traditional blue and white nursery: details

It’s all in the details.
I still love our custom crib skirt and bumpers that Mother made for John Davis six (!!) years ago.

She also made a pillow cover for me using the same baby blue bunny fabric that covers the chandelier shades.

I can’t even begin to imagine how many hours I’ve spent in this rocker nursing and rocking babies.
The rocker is no longer available (purchased from Target years ago).
The two-tiered round side table is an antique that I spray painted.

One of the things I get asked about most are these Peter Rabbit prints above the crib.
So where did they come from? A vintage book! I love collecting vintage children’s books. They make great decor and they are also great for the artwork inside!
The frames are inexpensive wood frames from Hobby Lobby that I painted and distressed and then added a large white mat.

This rocking horse is the rocking horse my Granddaddy made for me and Brother when we were babies.
We always say we know he’s smiling up in heaven watching his great-grandbabies play on it today.

Baskets from HomeGoods add pretty and practical storage.

Look at that sweet newborn baby. Why do they have to grow so fast!?
You can see a closer look at the beautiful crib bumpers Mother made for us.

All of the books in the nursery are classic children’s books. Mostly vintage, collected, or passed down from family.

The shelf houses more special books, heirlooms and keepsakes.

Some of my favorites being these silver pieces!
The cup was my husbands and has his name and birthdate engraved on it. It was given to him by his Godmother.
The baby brush was my Daddy’s and has his initials engraved on the top. That is also his baby picture in the round frame!

The sets of Peter Rabbit books, as well as this giraffe, came from mine and Brothers nursery.
Thanks Mama for keeping everything to hand down to us!

This diaper wreath is still going strong six years later, too!
It was made for John Davis’s baby shower and has been hanging on the nursery door ever since. Don’t think I’ll ever be able to get rid of it now!

The door hanger was from my nursery.

And mother helped me cover this lampshade and add white pom pom trim.

Traditional blue and white nursery: Shop THIS ROOM
There aren’t many things in this room that I can provide a direct link to since almost everything is vintage, passed down, or a DIY project.
Below I’ve linked what I can, as well as many similar items that would fit in perfectly in this traditional blue and white classic baby boy nursery!
Hi! I am wondering what color paint you used for your baby boy’s nursery? Love it and would like to go with something similar for ours!
Hi Madison! Thank you! The color is Fanfare by Benjamin Moore. I had it color matched at Sherwin Williams. Hope that helps!
Hi! Love this room! Can you show how to create the ties on the curtains?
Thank you Nichole! Yes I actually have a blog post with all the details! 🙂 Hope that helps and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!